Call for papers

Papers are welcomed on all aspects of Language Technologies, and there will be a special section of short papers on on-going projects which do not yet have final results.

Papers should be submitted to no later than 31/10/2023. There will be an anonymous peer-review process, and submitters will be notified of the results by 15/11/2023.

Amongst relevant topics are:

  • Language technologies and less resourced languages such as Welsh
  • Machine translation
  • Speech technology
  • Language learning technology
  • Building and using language resources (text, oral, signing, multimedia)
  • Lexicons, ontologies, and termbanks
  • Language resources and crowdsourcing
  • Artificial Intelligence and language
  • Cross-lingual and cross-domain NLP
  • Reports on on-going projects in the field

We are seeking papers of between 4 and 8 pages for the main stream, and short papers of 4 pages for on-going projects, excluding references in both cases.

We ask for drafts of complete papers (not abstracts) for the reviewers. A template for the requested formats can be found here. The best papers will be published in an on-line book with an ISBN number after the conference. The volume will be bilingual, with the papers given in Welsh published in the original Welsh together with an English Translation. The e-proceedings will be published under a CC-BY licence.